Super Simple Google AIY Surveillance Camera

Posted by - August 31, 2018
In may 2018, durning the bay area Maker Faire in San Francisco, I bought a google AIY Vision Kit. I did the basics and the tutorials but wanted more. I wanted a basic surveillance camera for my room when I went home to Brooklyn.
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Maker Faire Street Team 2017 Part 09 — Tinkersphere

Posted by - September 6, 2017
If you need wires, resistors, boards, tools, motors, LEDs, parts, controllers, tech toys, or cute novelty items, Tinkersphere is the one-stop maker headquarters of NYC. They sell Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Soldering Kits, and just about every connector and accessory a maker could ever need.
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Maker Faire Street Team 2017 – September 23-24

Posted by - August 26, 2017
I'm all over NYC again to make sure everyone knows to join me at World Maker Faire 2017 - September 23 and 24 in New York City. I'll post here as I go to places around town where you should visit while you're here. Expect Pizza, great food, places to stay, things to see and more!
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MakeZine ran an article on my 2017 Laser Science Project

Posted by - August 26, 2017

On June 9, 2017, My article on everything that went right, wrong, and totally sideways on my laser cutting experiment for the Simon Baruch “Science Fair” was in the official blog/magazine of Make and the Maker Faire,...
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Keep Reading : Raspberry Pi, Servos, Lasers & Legos : Science Project 2017 Raspberry Pi, Servos, Lasers & Legos : Science Presentation 2017 I wrote to Lenore — and SHE WROTE ME BACK!! – Fire lasers with transistors and python on a Raspberry Pi 3
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Raspberry Pi, Servos, Lasers & Legos : Science Project 2017

Posted by - March 22, 2017
We over-built the entire thing. From too much code to too many lasers to tearing apart an old DVD drive I took a lot of side-trips. It was all a lot of fun and I learned a lot about lasers (masers), lenses, servos, python, and about how to finish a project inside the guidelines. Middle school is a lot to get used to and a big science project really helped. There were mis-steps and side goofs, but some how I tied it all together and salvaged a 100% score.
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Raspberry Pi, Servos, Lasers & Legos : Science Presentation 2017

Posted by - March 18, 2017
"I really like bread, milk and eggs" she said... This is article four of five, from my 2017 science project "Rock, Paper, Lasers" - this is the science project presentation. Presenters were allowed to display their project, show slides and videos, and serve a snack. I wanted to bring my laser safety fire box into school along with the lasers too, but my teacher would not permit me to bring lasers of this sort into school. She was right, tho she said it in a funny way. "I really like bread, milk and eggs" she said. I get it.
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The NotABomb Review Rubric

Posted by - March 15, 2017
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good..." - J.K. Rowling Recently, a product vendor was wondering how their product got a particular rating, not higher. I tried to explain that to this blog, a rating of 3 is a really high rating, since it means that the product itself was "very good" on all three major counts. On most sites, 5 is "good" and 1 or 0 is "bad" and that's sorta it. I have always wanted the notabomb ratings to mean a little something more than just good and bad products.
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Amir Makes a Ramadan Candle! (Velleman Flickering Candle MK167)

Posted by - February 25, 2017
Welcome Amir to the website!! He has been a friend of mine for a long time. I can't really remember how we became friends, but my dad says that we met through the glass window of an apartment building. This was a good first kit for amir, why? a maker badge would be too simple for him and a sound to light meter would be too complicated for anybody for their first kit. so I gave him the Vellman cancel kit. He's always been really smart and really good at computers and legos and video games and tech so I figured he'd be really good at soldering and electronics.
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