Ahmed Mohamed Of course, the “Not A Bomb” movement started with Ahmed. He brought a hand-built clock to school, and instead of being celebrated for getting started into the world of electronics, circuitry, and maker spirit… he was placed in handcuffs under arrest. Sure it was just a first project, and it was a simple clock, but he got started. He did SOMETHING. Most kids our age sit around playing simple video games. He was arrested the same month I started blinking LED’s with a Raspberry Pi 2. That wasn’t really high-tech either, but we’ve both come a long way. Creativity is explosive. Ahmed, if you ever read this, please email me! You always have a place on this blog, and a friend in Brooklyn.
Notch and Jeb Notch has inspired me, because in Minecraft you can do any thing you want, it is kind of like virtual Legos and art. Using low res graphics he built a basic 3d world where you could do any thing, like the ultimate sand box. Notch is a great programmer and a great designer. I hope one day to create something inspired and cool like Minecraft.I am also dedicating this website noabomb.org to Jeb. He inspires me because he kept Minecraft, alive and didn’t give up on Notch’s vision. He also added new things to redstone such as redstone comparators witch helps me with planning and building my circuitry… and messing with my friends. Jeb is a very creative person who still works with Minecraft today, and still adds stuff.
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