Evil Mad Scientist Deluxe LED Menorah Kit

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Evil Mad Scientist’s menorah kit is a great kit for kids.  We had no trouble following directions. This kit made it really easy for me to teach my friend Marwa how to solder. It was also a very simple circuit, the resistors were all the same kind and there was only one capacitor.

It’s still important to know how to do all of what this kit does in other ways.  I’m glad I learned on velleman kits too, because you can “see” more of how it works.

It wasn’t as complicated as the velleman kits, and the flow of the circuit is all hidden inside the “chip” that is a lot like a little raspberry pi “make it blink” program. It’s not clear what the extra holes on the board on the opposite side from the resistors are for. Their website also doesn’t say.

I give this kit a really high score for being kid-friendly, easy to use and a LOT of fun. Maybe I will do more of these, or other Menorah kits from Evil Mad Scientist as gifts.


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There are 2 comments

  1. What kind of solder do you use again? Looked like it was 60Sn/40Pb. Do you know what Elements those are? Which one causes Dain Brammage? Wash your hands after handling solder! Where do I get the funky LED Menora??

    1. I always use lead-free and non-toxic solder. I use a few different widths of them. This menorah is sold at the Evil Mad Scientist Website : https://shop.evilmadscientist.com/tinykitlist/44-menorah they have a few others. Evil Mad Scientist is a company owned by one of my friends Lenore Edman, I first met her at 2016 Maker Faire and she was there again this year with a 6502 processor that she hand built with a big circuit board and transistors.


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